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At the Norris' after Maryland

At the Norris' after Maryland

Joanna and Rocky (I don't know if that's spelled right or not-sorry)...


Mr. Norris (he was making a silly face but my camera was too slow for him)...

Joanna and I, cute one huh...

Joy Beth (and her new hair cut) making the towel I got her "grow"...

Joy and Joanna...

Momma cookin'...

Us at Hastings renting movies, Joanna was very embarrased that I wanted a picture in front of everyone, it was funny...

Joanna getting a gumball...

Mrs. Norris talking to her oldest on the phone (this is why your mom said I was going camera crazy Jonathan)...

Mr. Norris asleep again...

me and Joshy...

us being kinda silly...

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